International Experts

International Board of Experts

FRIMAP Partner verfügt über ein interdisziplinäres Netzwerk von renommierten international tätigen Mediations- und Verhandlungsexpertinnen und Experten aus Wissenschaft und Praxis. Unserem Netzwerk gehören insbesondere auch ausgewiesene Praktikerinnen und Praktiker an, die für namhafte Institutionen und Organisationen wie beispielsweise den United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), die Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC), das Carter Center, die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), die United States Agency for International Development (USAID), das Außenministerium des Vereinigten Königreichs (FCO), die African Union (AU), die Arab League oder die Europäische Union (EU) tätig sind oder waren.

Ramsey Tewfik Isak
Brussels, Belgium

Fadi El Hajjar, M.A.
Beirut, Lebanon

Dr.-Ing. Jamal Algedri, M.M.
Arabian region (Yemen)

Nora El Zokm
Middle East & North Africa 

Major retired
Salwa Sahloul

Bekim Kajtazi  

Dr. Sajjad Safaei 
Middle East & North Africa, Iran, Cauasus 

Yahya Al-Dhawi 

Indrė Kasiulaitė
Vilnius, Lithuania

Dumitru Lefter
Chișinău, Republic of Moldova

Ronald Adomaitis
São Paulo, Brazil

FRIMAP Network – International Board of Experts

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Islam Qerimi

Wissenschaftlicher Berater/Experte Konfliktbearbeitungsverfahren der Herkunftsländer (Albania/Kosovo)

Prof. Assoc. Dr. iur. Islam Qerimi, LL.M, begann sein Studium der grundlegenden Rechtswissenschaften an der Juristischen Fakultät der Universität Prishtina. Anschließend absolvierte er seinen Masterabschluss (LL.M) an der Juristischen Fakultät der Ruhr-Universität Bochum und setzte seine Studien mit einer Promotion an der Juristischen Fakultät der Universität Wien fort.

Professor Qerimi arbeitet als Professor für Strafrecht, Kriminalistik, Rechtsgeschichte und Rechtsethik und ist gleichzeitig Dekan an der Juristischen Fakultät der Universität Isa Boletini in Mitrovica, Kosovo. 

Er ist Autor mehrerer Texte, Monografien und wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten, die in deutschen, österreichischen, kroatischen, polnischen, ukrainischen Verlagen usw. veröffentlicht wurden. Diese Arbeiten behandeln das Strafrecht, das albanische Gewohnheitsrecht und die außergerichtliche Konfliktlösung basierend auf dem albanischen Gewohnheitsrecht sowie die Mediationsgesetzgebung in Österreich und im Kosovo. 

Sein Buch Gewohnheitsrecht in Albanien. Die Rolle und Herkunft des Kanun bei den Albanern wurde zum Bestseller erklärt. Gleichzeitig hat er Kurse und Schulungen im Bereich Mediation und Konfliktmanagement am Lohmar-Institut abgeschlossen.

Publikationsverzeichnis (Auswahl, PDF 70 KB)

Ramsey Tewfik Isak 

Consultant/Expert in conflict resolution procedures in the countries of origin
(Brussels, Belgium)

Ramsey Tewfik Isak is a Multicultural Communication Facilitator, skilled in negotiation, mediation and interpretation between Arabic and English. His expertise lies in understanding the nuanced impact of language and culture on communication, focusing on bridging divides and fostering constructive dialogue.

His distinctive approach can be characterized as transformative, moving beyond polarizing viewpoints to facilitate unifying action. This methodology has evolved through his experience with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and subsequent independent work in humanitarian efforts within conflict-ridden regions of the Middle East, as well as successfully assisting with asylum applicants both in EU and USA.

In his role, Ramsey engages with diverse stakeholders, including civilian and security entities, employing creativity, respect, and an interest-based framework to navigate toward mutually beneficial outcomes, serving as a cultural mediator while maintaining due regard for the operative legal framework, to ensure that process and procedure are used as a help rather than a hindrance for all parties involved. His success lies in his ability to reconcile seemingly irreconcilable positions, fostering win-win solutions amidst complex and challenging circumstances.

Ramsey on LinkedIn (externer Link)

Fadi El Hajjar 

Expert in conflict resolution procedures in the countries of origin
(Beirut, Lebanon)

Fadi El Hajjar is a senior political advisor, international conflict resolution expert and mediator. 


For the past 30 years, he has been providing advisory services to parties from various governmental and non-governmental organizations, academic institutions and the private sector.  His work covered dozens of countries across America, Africa, Europe and Asia especially the MENA region. 

He earned his B.A. and M.A. degrees in Political Science from the American University of Beirut. His educational qualifications and professional achievements entitled him to earn the Fulbright scholarship to pursue graduate studies in the US focusing on Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding. Fadi also is also a certified mediator from the Mediation Training Institute International, in addition he obtained mediation and negotiation trainings from Harvard University, UN System Staff College and the United States Institute of Peace.   

Based on his advisory capacity and expertise in political analysis, democratization, conflict resolution and development, his support has been sought by reputable organizations in the MENA region and leading international organizations including the UN, Swiss Development Cooperation, FCO, GIZ, USAID and the EU, conducting a variety of interventions in both Arabic and English.

Fadi on LinkedIn (externer Link)

Salwa Sahloul 

Expert in conflict resolution procedures in the countries of origin
(African continent, the Arab world, Mediterranean region)

Salwa Sahloul is a Head of Project in United Nations High Commissioner of Refugees since 2023.
After graduating from the Military Academy where she studied administration and obtained a master's degree in management, she worked in the Ministry of National Defence as an administrative officer for 15 years and had accomplished many missions of mediation and conflict resolution in the fieldwork. 
In 2014, she was appointed as an adviser to the Minister of Women and Children. 
In 2016, she became an international coach and expert on "Women, Peace and Security" after a long process training with UN Women and The Arab League.
In 2017, she participated with the national high-level committee in the elaboration of the National Action Plan of The United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 as the head of the protection pillar.
During the first General Assembly of the African Union's “Femwise-Africa Network”, Salwa was chosen among the first 50 African mediators to participate in mediation and prevention of conflict missions in the African continent.
In June 2018 she was promoted to the rank of Major and obtained the military decoration. 
April 2019, Salwa Sahloul was appointed as Head of Mission in the Office of the Head of Government.
March 2021,The Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has designated her as a member of the Mediterranean Women Mediators Network. 
Salwa is known by her engagement to the gender approach especially in the Agenda of WPS and Mediation.
Geographic Expertise:  African continent , the Arab world, Mediterranean region .
Thematic Expertise: Gender specialist, women peace and security, conflict resolution, mediation, Leadership.
Languages: Arabic, French, English.

Nora El Zokm

Expert in conflict resolution procedures in the countries of origin
(Middle East and North Africa) 

Nora El Zokm is an accomplished conflict resolution scholar and practitioner with a wealth of experience spanning over 14 years. Her expertise lies in mediation, conflict research, reconciliation studies, trauma-informed research, facilitation practices, and international development, particularly focused on the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. 

Throughout her career, Nora has gained extensive experience in various countries, including Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT), Libya, Yemen, Iraq and the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI), the Syrian camps in Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, Afghanistan, and Sudan. This diverse exposure has equipped her with a deep understanding of the complex dynamics and unique challenges present in each context. 

In her capacity as a senior researcher, research lead, or team lead, Nora has consistently demonstrated her proficiency in research design and implementation, both in-person and remotely. Her skill set encompasses conducting thorough literature reviews, utilizing mixed methods for data collection and analysis (primarily using SPSS and NVivo), conducting conflict mapping and stakeholder mapping exercises, as well as performing comprehensive conflict analysis. Moreover, Nora excels in facilitating workshops and effectively presenting research findings to diverse audiences.

Bekim Kajtazi, MSc GIS & EO 

Spatial Information System & Data Expert

Bekim Kajtazi is a recognized expert in geo-information science, with extensive experience in humanitarian response and crisis management. The Marquis Who's Who has honored Bekim for his expertise in this field. 

Bekim has over 25 years of experience working in humanitarian settings, with a focus on refugee and migrant situations. He has held positions such as Geo-Information Management Officer with UNHCR in Tunisia, Head of the Information Management Unit for UNHCR in Greece, and Information Management Officer for the Global Protection Cluster, also with UNHCR. In these roles, he developed and updated population movement data, mapped land routes and protection services, and coordinated information management efforts across multiple countries. 

Bekim also has significant experience in humanitarian demining and post-conflict reconstruction. He served as a GIS Administrator for the UN Mine Action Coordination Centre in Kosovo, and as a GIS Consultant for the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in Kosovo, supervising data creation and database development for a forest inventory project. 

In addition to his humanitarian work, Bekim has extensive experience in urban and spatial planning. He founded, offering data-driven solutions to diverse clients, and co-founded giskos, a GIS solutions company in Kosovo, and served as the Head of the GIS and IT Unit at the National Institute for Spatial Planning in Kosovo. He has also authored a book on measuring the multifunctionality of urban areas. 

Bekim holds an MSc in Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation from the University of Twente, as well as a degree in Architecture from the University of Prishtina. He is proficient in English, Albanian, and Serbo-Croatian. 

Chijioke Nnanna Ibeku 

Abuja, Nigeria

Chijioke Nnanna Ibeku is Lawyer, Mediator and Author.
He is Founder and Principal Partner of

  • Three C's Met Mediators
  • Three C's Met International Institute Of Mediation Negotiation, Counselling and Conciliation
  • Centre For Peer Mediation and Peace Building (externer Link)

Jamal Algedri 

Wissenschaftlicher Berater/Experte Konfliktbearbeitungsverfahren der Herkunftsländer 
(Arabian region/Yemen)

Dr.-Ing. Jamal Algedri ist Diplom Ingenieur und Master of Mediation (M.M.) und befasst sich gegenwärtig mit dem Themenfeld der Friedens- und Konfliktforschung (Schwerpunkt „Failed States“) an der Philipps-Universität Marburg. 

Er ist zusammen mit dem damaligen Institutsleiter Prof. Frieling Autor des Buches „Human-FMEA: Menschliche Handlungsfehler erkennen und vermeiden“. Die Methode wurde von Herrn Algedri entwickelt und industriell erfolgreich erprobt und eingesetzt. 

2015 – 2020 unterstützte er das Jobcenter Marburg bei der Schulung von syrischen Geflüchteten und deren Integration in den deutschen Arbeitsmarkt. In diesem Kontext erstellte er auch eine arabische Übersetzung des SGB II. 

Nach beruflichen Stationen als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Arbeitswissenschaft der Universität Kassel und in leitenden Funktionen bei führenden Unternehmen der Privatwirtschaft in den Bereichen Qualitätsmanagement, Reengineering und Prozessoptimierung, ist er heute als selbständiger Berater und Interimsmanager tätig.

Dr. Algedri entstammt einer im Jemen sehr angesehenen Familie und war bereits in seiner Jugend als Schriftführer tätig und hat an vielfältigen außergerichtlichen Verhandlungen und dem Erstellen von Schiedssprüchen mitgewirkt.

Indrė Kasiulaitė

Wissenschaftliche Beraterin/Expertin Mediation und Alternative Dispute Resolution 

Indrė Korsakovienė ist Rechtsanwältin, Mediatorin, Dozentin und Doktorandin am Institut für Privatrecht der Mykolas-Romeris-Universität in Vilnius und hält seit 2022 Vorlesungen für die Bachelor- und Masterstudiengänge (Erasmus+ Programme) der Mykolas-Romeris-Universität (Vilnius) in litauischer und englischer Sprache. 

Zuvor war sie politische Analystin des Government Strategic Analysis Centre (STRATA) und Mitarbeiterin der vom Justizministerium der Republik Litauen initiierten Studie „Ex Post Evaluation of the Impact of the Existing Legal Regulation on Mandatory Mediation in Family Disputes.“ 

Frau Korsakovienė verfügt über langjährige Erfahrung als Rechtsanwältin und Mediatorin in den Bereichen des Wirtschafts-, Gesellschafts-, Steuer- und Migrationsrechts mit Mandantschaft in Litauen sowie im innereuropäischen und außereuropäischem Ausland. Sie ist überdies Mitglied des renommierten Mediation and Peaceful Dispute Resolution Laboratory der Mykolas-Romeris-Universität, Ratsmitglied der Litauischen Mediatorenkammer sowie Co-Sekretärin und Mitglied des Ethikausschusses des Internationalen Mediationsinstituts IMI. 

Darüber hinaus hat sie an zahlreichen Fachpublikationen mitgewirkt, die englischer und litauischer Sprache veröffentlicht wurden. 

Dumitru Lefter 

Consultant/Expert Mediation and Alternative Dispute Resolution
(Republic of Moldova)

Co-founder of Academy of Mediation and Legal Studies | Director of Mediation Centre of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Moldova | Accredited Mediator | Arbiter | Trainer | Negotiations & Conflict Manager

Aleksandra Winiarska 

Academic consultant/expert in mediation and alternative dispute resolution 
(Warsaw, Poland)

Dr. Aleksandra Winiarska: holds a PhD in sociology and MA in intercultural relations.

Assistant Professor at the University of Warsaw and guest lecturer at other HEI's. Sociologist and migration scholar.
Certified mediator with 20 years of experience in mediation, facilitation and education. Conflict resolution trainer, specialising in the fields of intercultural communication and international mediation.
Affiliated with the Institute of Applied Social Sciences, the Centre for Migration Research and the Centre for Dispute and Conflict Resolution at the University of Warsaw.
Cooperates with public institutions, NGOs and business organizations as researcher, facilitator and trainer. Engages as expert and consultant in public consultation processes, policy development and integrative initiatives as well as projects related to diversity and non-discrimination. 

Ronald Adomaitis

Consultant/Expert Mediation and Alternative Dispute Resolution 
(São Paulo, Brazil)

Ronald Adomaitis is a lawyer, mediator, legal engineer, lecturer and scientific researcher, engaged in multidisciplinary research that aims to advance polymatic and systemic approaches, connecting different areas of knowledge to develop innovative and interchangeable solutions. He has a master’s in business administration (MBA) in Operational Research and Decision Making, with a specialization in Tax Law, with university extensions in “Property Taxation”, “Compliance” and “Organized Crime Today: Criminal and Procedural Aspects”, and an MBA in Science and Data Analysis.
 He has extensive experience in Public and Private Law, with an emphasis on Constitutional, Civil, Business, Economic and International Law. He also has significant experience in Family and Succession Law, which involves, in addition to the troubled human relationships themselves, profound commercial, contractual and managerial implications, with special emphasis on mitigating legal disputes through proactive organizational consultancy. Has proven experience in negotiation, management and resolution of business, commercial and legal conflicts, integrating innovative methods of problem solving, technology, productivity, entrepreneurship and generation of ideas, such as Design Thinking, Business Design, “U” Theory, and the Harvard conflict management system, from a humanistic, philosophical, systemic and at the same time pragmatic perspective. 

Judgment hinders imagination.

–  Roger Fisher, Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement without Giving in –